About us

Riet Van Deun - Toxicology consultant
about Agirad

More about Riet

Riet Van Deun graduated as Master in Bioscience Engineering (option catalytic technology) at Leuven University in 2019. She currently holds a certification as European Registered Toxicologist (ERT).

She is experienced in GLP implementation and auditing, toxicological study monitoring, toxicological dossier preparation, product quality and toxicological risk assessments of chemicals, pharmaceuticals and medical devices and their impurities or extractables & leachables.

Further, she has experience in teaching programs for toxicology and quality.


How we work

Our work proces

Agirad - toxicology consultant - How we work

Client Contact

General Proposal

Agirad - toxicology consultant - How we work

Consultancy activities begin

Agirad - toxicology consultant - How we work

Reports Delivered / Continuous follow-up

My book

Toxicology studies in evolution

Koen Van Deun, Philippe Vanparys & Riet Van Deun – 313 pages

In this book you will be introduced to the major toxicology domains, principles and mechanisms, which provide a general understanding of toxicology. Further, a structural summary is given of the various toxicological endpoints and assays required for the development and registration of safe medicines, chemicals and other product types, followed by assay examples which have been elaborated textually and schematically.

In addition, the evolution and status of toxicological methods from in vivo to in vitro and in silico approaches is given. Finally, some clinical, analytical and forensic applications of toxicology have been described.